
I find Malifaux (the game) quite challenging, but I love the lore and the models are fantastic. My wife, Rosie, liked the Fae boxed set, and once I’d painted that I really couldn’t leave Killjoy alone but I’d been sitting on this model for a while before deciding that I’d get it painted.

It was painted almost exclusively with Pro Acryl’s paints.

The skin tone was base coated with Shadow Flesh, and then built up layers with Tan Flesh, Dark Warm Skin, and Olive Flesh. The wrist bands are Brown Black and Brown Grey and the metallics are all Dark Silver & Silver. The guts (ewww) are base coated with Burnt Red and then I used the Army Painter Purple Tone wash to get some shadows into the recesses, before a tiny bit of highlighting to make it look like they’re glistening.

The only other details were the teeth which were painted white, before adding Army Painter Bony Matter speed paint to grim them up a bit.


Mad Dog Brackett


Bristlenose the Troll